
Potassium Chloride/Sulphate/Carbonate Blend


Multi K is made up of potassium from Potassium Chloride and potassium from DD-K. The potassium in chloride form will be available immediately to the plant while the potassium from DD-K will be released to the plant over a longer period offering a longer term response and improved utilisation while helping build capital soil potassium levels.

Multi K is an efficient potassium source for both crop and pasture applications.

NitrogenN: 0
PhosphateP: 0.4%
PotassiumK: 43.1%
SulphurS: 0.8%
CalciumCa: 1.4%
MagnesiumMg: 0.7%

Why Use Multi-K?

Multi-K can offer improved potassium utilisation and responses compared to Potassium Chloride alone, as the addition of potassium sulphate, potassium carbonate, and potassium phosphate greatly enhance plant efficiencies and the stability of potassium in the soil.

Multi-K Benefits:

  • Highly plant available = less energy required to utilise potassium and therefore greater potassium utilisation (less K required).
  • The potassium sulphate present in DD-K and Palm Ash is approximately 1/3 as soluble as potassium in Potassium Chloride resulting in a slower break down, therefore it combines fast release K with a slower steady supply of K, increasing K utilisation.
  • Both the phosphate and potassium in DD-K  and Palm Ash move quickly across plant membranes allowing for a faster uptake of the nutrients.
  • It is kinder on your soils and the soil biology.
  • The calcium content will assist in increasing pH for a short time after application, activating some microbial life involved in the efficient utilisation of the nutrients present in Multi K.
  • A concentrated and cost-effective source of potassium.
  • A cost-effective substitute for potassium sulphate, with the added bonus of other nutrients.
  • Along with phosphorus, calcium, magnesium it also contains many trace elements such as iron, copper, zinc etc.
  • A highly stable granulated potassium source, allowing for easy spreading.

Product FAQs

When to Use

Summer, Autumn, Spring


  • No precautions

Potassium's Role in Plants

  • The main role played by potassium in plants is the balancing of negative charge from anions such as nitrate and sulphate.
  • Potassium is required for protein and starch synthesis and is involved in activating enzyme systems within the plant.
  • Potassium enhances plant quality through shape, size, vigour, and strength.
  • Grasses and clover compete for potassium, therefore low potassium pasture has no clover present and high potassium pasture has a strong presence of both grass and clover.

Phosphorus's Role in Plants

  • The most important role of phosphorus is the storage and transfer of energy that is generated through photosynthesis along with the metabolism of carbohydrates.
  • Phosphorus is an essential compound of Adenosine Triphosphate (ADP), the energising component driving plant development.
  • Phosphorus deficiency has a huge impact on plant growth and reproduction, reducing the plant processes noted below.
  • Processes aided by phosphorus:
    • Large root growth
    • Early formation of plant shoots
    • Improved stalk and stem strength in crops
    • Improved fruit, vegetable, and grain quality
    • Seed formation
    • Resistance to moisture and colder temperatures

Sulphur's Role in Plants

  • Sulphur is essential in forming plant protein as it is present in cysteine and methionine, two vital amino acids involved in protein synthesis.
  • Key component of coenzymes and vitamins, involved in energy transfer and lipid synthesis.
  • Some sulphur compounds are responsible for the taste and smell of plants, like onions.
  • Sulphur amino acids are at high levels in animal fibres, therefore sufficient sulphur is required for good wool production.
  • Promotes nodule formation in legumes
  • Signs of sulphur deficiency – light green to yellowish coloured young leaves, reduced plant growth rates, plants that are short, small and slender.

Magnesium's Role in Plants

  • Critical for both plant and animal growth, with deficiencies noticed in the animal before the plant
  • Assists in plant defence processes against abiotic stresses
  • Magnesium is the central core of the chlorophyll molecule – therefore its presence is vital for photosynthesis
  • Low levels of plant intake can lead to hypomagnesaemia in livestock, especially during the winter/early spring months
  • Magnesium is very mobile in the plant and aids in numerous plant processes such as enzyme activation and phosphate metabolism, as it acts as a phosphorus carrier
  • Magnesium and calcium working in synergy to promote stable soil structure

Calcium's Role in Plants

  • Calcium is vital for both plant and animal growth
  • An essential part of the plant cell wall and membranes, aiding in plant structure and stability
  • Earthworm activity is increased by the presence of calcium in the soil profile, therefore natural soil aeration is also increased
  • Boosts soil microorganism activity, improving soil structure
  • Calcium deficiency affects fruit crop quality and growth, and limits biological activity
  • Calcium and magnesium work in synergy to promote stable soil structure
  • Involved in the signalling of the availability of other nutrients (e.g. potassium), through its secondary messenger characteristics
  • Assists in protecting the plant from biotic stresses