
DAP contains a near 1 : 1 ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus, present in readily available ammonium and phosphate forms. Ammonium nitrogen is less susceptible to ammonium gas losses when compared to urea nitrogen. Ammonium nitrogen can be taken up directly by plants, more often it is bound to clay particles in the soil where it will over time be transformed to nitric nitrogen.

NitrogenN: 16%
PhosphateP: 20%
PotassiumK: 0
SulphurS: 1%
CalciumCa: 0
MagnesiumMg: 0

Why Use DAP?

DAP is a versatile and cost effective form of nitrogen and phosphate. When there are requirements for both nitrogen and fast acting phosphate DAP should always be considered. DAP blends well with most other fertilisers making it a good base to build a complex fertiliser blend from.

The benefits of using DAP:

  • DAP is suitable for use when crops and pastures require equal amounts of phosphate and nitrogen
  • DAP is the cheapest form of phosphate when nitrogen is also required and full value is obtained out of the nitrogen portion
  • DAP is a high analysis product reducing freight and application costs when compared to alternatives
  • DAP contains nitrogen in ammonium form which is less susceptible to volatilisation losses compared to urea nitrogen, resulting in increased nitrogen utilisation

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When to Use

When applying larger phosphate applications, water soluble phosphate such as that contained in DAP can lose efficiency in some soil types that have a limited ability to hold onto phosphate. In these situations we recommend blending DAP with a non-water soluble form of phosphate such as DDPhos Granulated RPR. For more information speak to your Dickie Direct Area Manager.

Nitrogen's Role in Plants

  • Nitrogen is always the nutrient in highest demand by plants, due to the greater content of nitrogen present on a dry weight basis in comparison to any other nutrient.
  • Nitrogen is a primary component of amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins. Thus, by adding nitrogen to soil the protein content in plants is increased.
  • Nitrogen is part of the chlorophyll molecule, and a part of numerous enzymes and coenzymes. Chlorophyll is responsible for photosynthesis, where sunlight is absorbed and stored in the plant as sugars and proteins.
  • Therefore, nitrogen is an integral part of photosynthesis.
  • Signs of nitrogen deficiency – reduced plant growth, yellowing of the leaf, early crop maturing.

Phosphorus's Role in Plants

  • The most important role of phosphorus is the storage and transfer of energy that is generated through photosynthesis along with the metabolism of carbohydrates.
  • Phosphorus is an essential compound of Adenosine Triphosphate (ADP), the energising component driving plant development.
  • Phosphorus deficiency has a huge impact on plant growth and reproduction, reducing the plant processes noted below.
  • Processes aided by phosphorus:
    • Large root growth
    • Early formation of plant shoots
    • Improved stalk and stem strength in crops
    • Improved fruit, vegetable, and grain quality
    • Seed formation
    • Resistance to moisture and colder temperatures

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