Potassium Sulphate/Carbonate


DD-K is a competitive substitute to both Potassium Chloride and Potassium Sulphate. An efficient potassium source involved in enhanced nutrient utilisation and improved plant production.

NitrogenN: 0
PhosphateP: 1.5%
PotassiumK: 26.5%
SulphurS: 0.7%
CalciumCa: 3.4%
MagnesiumMg: 2.1%

Why Use DD-K?

DD-K is a slow releasing potassium source that can meet longer term potassium requirements of crops and pasture, improving potassium utilisation and crop and pasture responses.

DD-K Benefits:

  • Highly plant available = less energy required to utilise potassium and therefore greater potassium utilisation (less K required).
  • A slower releasing potassium source, resulting in improved potassium utilisation and a longer response time.
  • Both the phosphate and potassium in DD-K move quickly across plant membranes allowing for a faster uptake of the nutrients.
  • It is kind on your soils and the soil biology.
  • The calcium content will assist in increasing pH for a short time after application, activating some microbial life involved in the efficient utilisation of the nutrients present in DD- K.
  • Made from 100% plant based material.
  • A concentrated and cost-effective source of potassium.
  • Contains no chloride – making it suitable to use as a substitute for potassium chloride on sensitive plant roots.
  • A cost-effective substitute for potassium sulphate, with the added bonus of other nutrients.
  • Along with phosphorus, calcium, magnesium it also contains many trace elements such as iron, copper, zinc etc.
  • A highly stable granulated potassium source, allowing for easy spreading.

Product FAQs

When to Use

Summer, Autumn, Spring


  • No precautions

Potassium's Role in Plants

  • The main role played by potassium in plants is the balancing of negative charge from anions such as nitrate and sulphate.
  • Potassium is required for protein and starch synthesis and is involved in activating enzyme systems within the plant.
  • Potassium enhances plant quality through shape, size, vigour, and strength.
  • Grasses and clover compete for potassium, therefore low potassium pasture has no clover present and high potassium pasture has a strong presence of both grass and clover.

Phosphorus's Role in Plants

  • The most important role of phosphorus is the storage and transfer of energy that is generated through photosynthesis along with the metabolism of carbohydrates.
  • Phosphorus is an essential compound of Adenosine Triphosphate (ADP), the energising component driving plant development.
  • Phosphorus deficiency has a huge impact on plant growth and reproduction, reducing the plant processes noted below.
  • Processes aided by phosphorus:
    • Large root growth
    • Early formation of plant shoots
    • Improved stalk and stem strength in crops
    • Improved fruit, vegetable, and grain quality
    • Seed formation
    • Resistance to moisture and colder temperatures

Sulphur's Role in Plants

  • Sulphur is essential in forming plant protein as it is present in cysteine and methionine, two vital amino acids involved in protein synthesis.
  • Key component of coenzymes and vitamins, involved in energy transfer and lipid synthesis.
  • Some sulphur compounds are responsible for the taste and smell of plants, like onions.
  • Sulphur amino acids are at high levels in animal fibres, therefore sufficient sulphur is required for good wool production.
  • Promotes nodule formation in legumes
  • Signs of sulphur deficiency – light green to yellowish coloured young leaves, reduced plant growth rates, plants that are short, small and slender.

Magnesium's Role in Plants

  • Critical for both plant and animal growth, with deficiencies noticed in the animal before the plant
  • Assists in plant defence processes against abiotic stresses
  • Magnesium is the central core of the chlorophyll molecule – therefore its presence is vital for photosynthesis
  • Low levels of plant intake can lead to hypomagnesaemia in livestock, especially during the winter/early spring months
  • Magnesium is very mobile in the plant and aids in numerous plant processes such as enzyme activation and phosphate metabolism, as it acts as a phosphorus carrier
  • Magnesium and calcium working in synergy to promote stable soil structure

Calcium's Role in Plants

  • Calcium is vital for both plant and animal growth
  • An essential part of the plant cell wall and membranes, aiding in plant structure and stability
  • Earthworm activity is increased by the presence of calcium in the soil profile, therefore natural soil aeration is also increased
  • Boosts soil microorganism activity, improving soil structure
  • Calcium deficiency affects fruit crop quality and growth, and limits biological activity
  • Calcium and magnesium work in synergy to promote stable soil structure
  • Involved in the signalling of the availability of other nutrients (e.g. potassium), through its secondary messenger characteristics
  • Assists in protecting the plant from biotic stresses