
Magnesium Sulphate


Kieserite contains magnesium and sulphate in water soluble forms which are readily available for plant uptake. Kieserite is well suited to fixing short term magnesium deficiencies in plants.

NitrogenN: 0
PhosphateP: 0
PotassiumK: 0
SulphurS: 18%
CalciumCa: 0
MagnesiumMg: 16%

Why Use Kieserite?

Kieserite contains both fast acting magnesium and sulphate, however it is primarily used for its magnesium content. Kieserite should be used to meet immediate magnesium requirements in crops and pasture, to ensure high crop yield and good crop quality.

The Benefits of Kieserite:

  • Granulated allowing it to be precision blended with most other fertilisers.
  • Cost effective form of magnesium.
  • Quickly overcome magnesium and sulphur deficiencies.
  • No major impact on pH, therefore can be applied to all types of soil regardless of the pH.
  • Fully water soluble, readily dissolved by soil moisture to meet nutrient demands.

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When to Use

Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring


Avoid application before large amounts of rainfall (40ml plus within 10 hours) to reduce any leaching. In areas of high rainfall split applications are recommended.

Sulphur’s Role in Plants

  • Sulphur is essential in forming plant protein as it is present in cysteine and methionine, two vital amino acids involved in protein synthesis.
  • Key component of coenzymes and vitamins, involved in energy transfer and lipid synthesis.
  • Some sulphur compounds are responsible for the taste and smell of plants, like onions.
  • Sulphur amino acids are at high levels in animal fibres, therefore sufficient sulphur is required for good wool production.
  • Promotes nodule formation in legumes.
  • Signs of sulphur deficiency – light green to yellowish coloured young leaves, reduced plant growth rates, plants that are short, small and slender.

Magnesium’s Role in Plants

  • Critical for both plant and animal growth, with deficiencies noticed in the animal before the plant.
  • Assists in plant defence processes against abiotic stresses.
  • Magnesium is the central core of the chlorophyll molecule – therefore its presence is vital for photosynthesis.
  • Low levels of plant intake can lead to hypomagnesemia in livestock, especially during the winter/early spring months.
  • Magnesium is very mobile in the plant and aids in numerous plant processes such as enzyme activation and phosphate metabolism, as it acts as a phosphorus carrier.
  • Magnesium and calcium working in synergy to promote stable soil structure.

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