Magnesium Carbonate

Slow Release Magnesium


Magnesium Carbonate is a naturally occurring magnesium fertiliser. When applied Magnesium Carbonate is mineralised in the soil to plant available magnesium. Magnesium Carbonate comes in a fine form (0-2mm) so is easily mixed with other fertilisers. It is not water-soluble and is therefore not prone to leaching or runoff.

NitrogenN: 0
PhosphateP: 0
PotassiumK: 0
SulphurS: 0
CalciumCa: 0
MagnesiumMg: 27.5%

Why Use Magnesium Carbonate?

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for both plant and animal production and health. Magnesium Carbonate contains magnesium in a non-water soluble (slow release) form and will help meet long term magnesium requirements.

  • Magnesium is found at the centre of the chlorophyll in plants and is essential to keep plants green and is actively involved in plant photosynthesis. This photosynthesis converts light to energy and is essential for the health and growth of the plant. The less magnesium a plant has the more nitrogen will be needed to grow the plant.
  • Lower Magnesium levels in soil and pasture lead to Magnesium deficiencies in livestock which are generally seen as Metabolic issues. Magnesium applications to the soil will result in healthier more productive livestock and a reduced requirement for expensive Magnesium supplements.

Product FAQs

When to Use

Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring


Magnesium Carbonate must first be mineralised in the soil into a plant available magnesium source. If magnesium requirements are more immediate we recommend blending in a water soluble magnesium source such as Kieserite to meet these requirements.

Magnesium’s Role in Plants

  • Critical for both plant and animal growth, with deficiencies noticed in the animal before the plant.
  • Assists in plant defence processes against abiotic stresses.
  • Magnesium is the central core of the chlorophyll molecule – therefore its presence is vital for photosynthesis.
  • Low levels of plant intake can lead to hypomagnesaemia in livestock, especially during the winter/early spring months.
  • Magnesium is very mobile in the plant and aids in numerous plant processes such as enzyme activation and phosphate metabolism, as it acts as a phosphorus carrier.
  • Magnesium and calcium working in synergy to promote stable soil structure.

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