Sub Clover

Please call 0800 43 42 54 for competitive pricing


Why choose Sub Clover:

Improve feed quality

In a mixed pasture Sub Clover can provide 2-4 t/ha of high quality dry herbage to support lactating ewes in early Spring.

N Fixation

Sub Clover will fix 50-100KG N/Ha per year increasing dry matter production while reducing the potential requirement for Nitrogen Fertiliser in pinch times.

Long term Benefits

Sub clover when established correctly will set seed each Spring for the following Autumn resulting in longer term production gains.

How to identify Sub Clover:

  • Has a heart shaped leaf with hairs on it.
  • During flowering some cultivars contain a red ring.
  • Grows in a cluster from the centre.

How to establish Sub Clover:

How and when to apply:

  • Sow in Autumn by blending with fertiliser.
  • Best to be applied earlier to allow time to germinate pre-Winter.
  • Sow at application rate of 3-10 KG/Ha, 6-10 KG/Ha is optimal but this will depend on budget.

How to establish long term growth:

  • Let Clover establish before first graze.
  • Set stock in Spring with Lambs at foot.
  • Clover will flower from October to December. To allow seed to set for the following years crop it is important tom keep of grazing. As it is not possible to keep off all areas careful planning is advised to allow as much area to set seed as possible.
  • Hard graze in February and March to allow light into sward helping germinate the seed.