A healthy pH is a key component to crop and pasture production. At Dickie Direct we stock lime and can blend this in with your custom fertiliser order. We also have a range of pH enhancing products that will help maintain optimum pH levels.
For bulk lime applications we recommend using lime from your nearest lime works in order to keep transport costs low.
Please find a list of pH enhancing products below and to find out if a lime application is going to be your most effective spend please contact your Dickie Direct Area Manager
Why use Aglime?
- Increase pasture production, which leads to increased animal live weights.
- Liming unlocks the full potential of your fertiliser programme, at optimal PH levels your phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen and other trace elements become available to your plant matter, these would otherwise remain unavailable in acidic soils.
- Ag Lime is a low cost option for increasing pasture growth, in lean times it will give you great results at a fraction of the cost of other fertilisers.
- Ag Lime assist with drainage by improving soil structure by improving the tilth and crumb formations.
- Ag Lime sweetens the soil often making pastures more palatable to stock.
- Lime stimulates growth in legumes and clovers.
- Ag lime can reduce stock health problems by providing better more available grazing creating a healthier environment.
- Ag Lime promotes worm and bacteria activity necessary for maintaining healthy soil.