Bio-N Ammo

$752.00/t - Ex-Store

Bio-N Ammo is a biologically enhanced source of nitrogen and sulphate containing Humate and Effective Microorganisms (EM). Research has indicated that improved microbial activity from biological additives can increase crop and pasture yields. Clients who have made the switch to Bio-N Ammo have noticed an improved and prolonged nitrogen response which has led to reduced nitrogen requirements and costs.

  • N:25.3%
  • P:0
  • K:0
  • S:15.1%
  • Ca:.36%
  • Mg:0

Why Use Bio-N Ammo?

Use Bio-N Ammo in place of Ammonium Sulphate and other nitrogen sources to improve crop and pasture performance from late Autumn to Spring. Bio-N Ammo works by:

Improving Nitrogen Utilisation

Bio-N Ammo will help improve a soils CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity) and its ability to hold cations such as ammonium nitrogen. This reduces the amount of nitrogen that is being lost through volatilisation and leaching making more nitrogen available to the plant.

Extending Nitrogen Response Time

By both improving the microbial nitrogen retention and the soils CEC this will increase the amount of nitrogen that is being held in stable forms in the soil. These nitrogen sources are then released into plant available forms over an extended period, extending the nitrogen release curve.

Increasing the Availability and Uptake of Other Key Nutrients

Plants rely on soil biology to break down key nutrients into plant available forms. Bio-N Ammo introduces beneficial bacteria, yeast and fungi (EM) along with a biological feed source (Humate) to the soil, improving the efficiency at which nutrients are made plant available.

Improving Long Term Soil Health

Bio-N fuels plant production through enhancing the soils biological activity. Get your soils doing more of the work for you.

Increasing Plant Available Sulphur

A lack of plant available sulphate is often a limiting factor to nitrogen responses during the cool/wet months. Bio-N Ammo assists in increasing the mineralisation of organic sulphur to sulphate sulphur through enhanced microbial activity, while providing sulphate to help overcome any short term deficiency. Improving the overall nitrogen response and promoting clover growth as soil temps rise.

Product FAQs

When to Use

Autumn, Winter, Spring


Although Bio-N Ammo is less susceptible to volatilisation losses compared to standard Urea based blends we still recommend taking the below precautions:

  • Avoid application in the heat of the day where possible
  • Apply pre-rainfall/irrigation (ideally 10ml within 10 hours) to decrease losses through volatilisation
  • Avoid application before large amounts of rainfall (40ml plus within 10 hours) to reduce leaching losses

Nitrogen's Role in Plants

  • Nitrogen is always the nutrient in highest demand by plants, due to the greater content of nitrogen present on a dry weight basis in comparison to any other nutrient.
  • Nitrogen is a primary component of amino acids which are the building blocks of proteins. Thus, by adding nitrogen to soil the protein content in plants is increased.
  • Nitrogen is part of the chlorophyll molecule, and a part of numerous enzymes and coenzymes. Chlorophyll is responsible for photosynthesis, where sunlight is absorbed and stored in the plant as sugars and proteins.
  • Therefore, nitrogen is an integral part of photosynthesis.
  • Signs of nitrogen deficiency – reduced plant growth, yellowing of the leaf, early crop maturing.

Sulphur's Role in Plants

  • Sulphur is essential in forming plant protein as it is present in cysteine and methionine, two vital amino acids involved in protein synthesis.
  • Key component of coenzymes and vitamins, involved in energy transfer and lipid synthesis.
  • Some sulphur compounds are responsible for the taste and smell of plants, like onions.
  • Sulphur amino acids are at high levels in animal fibres, therefore sufficient sulphur is required for good wool production.
  • Promotes nodule formation in legumes
  • Signs of sulphur deficiency – light green to yellowish coloured young leaves, reduced plant growth rates, plants that are short, small and slender.