$906.00/t - Ex-Store
Dickie Direct’s Bio-N Supercharged Urea is a biologically enhanced source of nitrogen containing humate and EM (Effective Microorganisms). Research has indicated that improved microbial activity from Bio-N can increase crop and pasture yields while reducing nitrogen requirements and costs.
Clients who have made the switch to Bio-N Supercharged Urea have noticed an improved and prolonged nitrogen response which has lead to reduced nitrogen requirements and costs.
Using Bio-N can increase crop and pasture yields by:
Bio-N will help improve a soils CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity) and its ability to hold cations such as ammonium nitrogen. This reduces the amount of nitrogen that is being lost through volatilisation and leaching making more nitrogen available to the plant.
By both improving the microbial nitrogen retention and the soils CEC this will increase the amount of nitrogen that is being held in stable forms in the soil. These nitrogen sources are then released into plant available forms over an extended period, extending the nitrogen release curve.
Plants rely on soil biology to break down key nutrients into plant available forms. Bio-N introduces beneficial bacteria, yeast and fungi (EM) along with a biological feed source (Humate) to the soil, improving the efficiency at which nutrients are made plant available.
Bio-N fuels plant production and long-term soil health through enhancing the soils biological activity. Get your soils doing more of the work for you.
Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring
Although Bio-N Urea is less susceptible to volatilisation losses compared to standard Urea we still recommend taking the below precautions: